read about our

loyalty program

We hope you enjoy all the great benefits of our Rewards Program.

Join Our Exclusive Loyalty Program!

We love rewarding our amazing guests! Sign up today to enjoy delicious perks, exclusive rewards, and surprises designed just for you. Whether it’s a treat on your birthday, a little extra for your loyalty, or a warm welcome on your first few visits, our Loyalty Program makes every meal more rewarding.

Benefits of Joining

  • Spend & Earn: Earn £2.50 back for every £50 you spend!
  • Sign-Up Reward: Enjoy a Free Starter with your main dish, just for joining.
  • Birthday Treats: Celebrate your special day with a complimentary cocktail, mocktail, or dessert (valid one week before or after your birthday).
  • We Miss You Perk: Haven’t visited us in a while? We’ll treat you to a Free Starter with your main to say “Welcome Back!”
  • Welcome Journey: Visit us at least once a month, and we’ll reward you with a complimentary drink on your third visit.

Start earning rewards today and make every visit even more enjoyable!

Sign up for our

Don’t have a Rewards Card yet? Click below to sign up online. Join our program and earn rewards!

Want to check your Rewards?

Edit your personal information, sign up for email notifications and review your transactions.

Already have a physical card?

If you are a new member please start by registering your card using the Register My Card button below.

Terms & Conditions

  1. Reward Redemption
    • Only one reward can be redeemed per visit. For example, if two guests have a sign-up reward (free starter with a main), only one reward can be used during that visit.
  2. Loyalty Points
    • Loyalty points are awarded for qualifying purchases only, excluding any promotions or discounted items.
    • £5 rewards are valid for six months from the issue date.
  3. Registration & Sign-Up Rewards
    • Sign-up rewards and registration bonuses cannot be combined with other offers or promotions.
    • A minimum spend of £15 is required to claim the registration bonus (free starter).
  4. Birthday Award
    • Birthday rewards are valid one week before and after your birthdate and must be claimed in person. A valid ID will be required.
  5. We Miss You Reward
    • This reward is only available to accounts inactive for a minimum of 60 days and must be redeemed with a main course.
  6. Welcome Journey Reward
    • The complimentary drink is valid for the third visit only and must be redeemed within three months of the second visit.
  7. General
    • Rewards have no cash value and cannot be exchanged for other items or credit.
    • The Loyalty Program may be subject to changes, suspension, or termination at any time at the discretion of the management.
    • Misuse or abuse of the program may result in the loss of loyalty benefits or account termination.

By signing up, you agree to the terms and conditions. We can’t wait to start rewarding you!


The Katana Loyalty Program rewards customers with exclusive perks such as discounts, free starters, birthday treats, and more. Learn all about the program here.

Signing up is easy and free. Click here to join.

No, joining the program is completely free—just perks and rewards for loyal customers.

Earn £5 for every £100 spent, plus enjoy birthday treats and seasonal surprises.

Log in to your account here to view your points balance.

Redeem points to take money off your bill and enjoy seasonal perks like free starters and exclusive offers. Book a table now to redeem

No, loyalty points cannot be used with other promotions or discounts.

Bring your card and receipt on your next visit, and the staff will happily add the missing points for you.

No, loyalty points are non-transferable.

No, loyalty rewards are only available for dine-in orders.

Log in to your account here to update your details.

As long as you have access to your registered email, you can reset your password. For a lost card, staff can locate your account using your postcode and issue a replacement.

Need Assistance?

Got questions about our Loyalty Program or unsure about how to redeem your rewards? We’re here to help!

We’re always happy to clarify the details and ensure you make the most of your loyalty benefits. Don’t hesitate to get in touch!